Friday, April 12, 2019

April 8 - 12

Dream: a series of thoughts or images occurring in a person's mind during sleep
Nightmare: a frightening or unpleasant dream
Night Terrora form of sleep disorder in which a person partially awakens from sleep in a state of terror

As a child I often had scary dreams.  To this day I can recall a few of them in detail in fact. Though I occasionally still have them, as an adult I am able to calm myself when I wake up & rationalize that they were not real or even plausible.

Dreams happen during the REM (rapid eye movement) part of the sleep cycle. The brain is very active at this time & the images the mind creates can be very vivid, causing strong emotions to go with them. Though nightmares are not 100% preventable certain things can help deter them.
- having a regular bed time & routine
- ensure their bedroom is a comfortable & cozy place to be
- having a stuffed toy to sleep with may help some children
- have a night light if they are wary for the dark
- avoiding scary shows, images or stories 
- reassure your child dreams are your imagination not real events / things

Despite your best efforts, nightmares will still occur.  Having some strategies in place when they do will help you & your child deal with them.
- just your physical presence staying calm will help give your child a sense of security, a hug or cuddle goes a long way
- let the know that you too have had bad dreams & it's feeling scared or worried is normal
- allow them to talk about their dreams if they would like to
- practice calming breathing exercises (4x4 breathing or a belly breath)
- leave a light on in their room & the door open

If nightmares are persistent, extreme or are preventing your child from wanted to go to sleep, talk with your family doctor.

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