Thursday, April 18, 2019

April 15 - 19

Resiliency is the ability to bounce back after setbacks or problems occur in your life.  There are some habits or strategies we can all work on to help us build up our ability to manage adversity & keep pushing forward.

1) When you experience failure, think of them as specific & temporary.  Allowing them to snowball enables them to spill into all aspects of your life or for you to think of it as a flaw within yourself rather then an isolated event.

2) Understand change is inevitable, problems will arise & failure is part of what creates our growth. Rather then letting circumstances overwhelm you, examine why it happened, identify the emotions you are feeling & why it is so important to you.

3) Small rituals of self care allow you to maintain perspective.  When you are eating right, sleeping well, exercising & maintaining a network of personal relationships you are in a better frame of mind to manage when problems occur.

4) Maintain a positive outlook. Self talk goes a long way here.  Watch what words or phrases you say to yourself & replace negative ones with kind, affirming statements. I always image what I would say to my best friend if they were in the situation I was dealing with. Wallowing in self pity will never change the situation or improve it.

5) Don't waste time or energy thinking about what I call " would have, could have, should have" thoughts. You can not fix the past, you can only learn from it. Think forward & take the lessons you have learned to empower you in the future.

How resilient are you? - QUIZ

1 comment:

  1. This was very cool to do individually and evaluate where each member in our family landed. Thank you for sharing this treasure, we would love to see more and learn more about ourselves and eachother to better support ourselves and eachother <3


April 3

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