Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 9 - 13

Check out this CBE website for frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus.

We are continuing to work on having control over the ball while dribbling & shooting at the basketball net in gym. We learnt the acronym BEEF to help us shoot (elbows in, eye the net, follow through).

We learnt a new math game. Ask me to teach you how to play 4 Square using cards.
In our writing time this week we looked at a picture prompt & tried to create stories to explain what was happening, who the characters where & where the story took place.

We watched Rainbow Fish written by author and illustrator, Marcus Pfister. It's a lovely story about how to be a good friend & sharing what you have with others. It inspired us to make our own fish to swim in the sea.

We are collecting materials for our BOATS & BOUANCY unit in science.
Please send in CLEAN:
- small plastic or styrofoam containers
- milk or yogurt drink boxes
- duct tape
- tinfoil

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April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...