Thursday, October 4, 2018

Oct 1 - 5

Technology and multiple after school activities eat up a lot of family time on week nights and weekends. Getting children to put down the ipad or turn off the television can be a struggle.  Getting them to read in their free time can be even harder. The Washington Post wrote a great article for strategies parents and teachers can use to encourage a love of reading. Simple tips like letting children select their books and modelling reading yourself can have an impact.


Author James Patterson offers these tips to try and get kids reading more:
1) Find books your kids love.
2) Get a library card in their name.
3) Break their weekly reading goal into daily increments.
4) Set aside daily "no electronics" time for reading.
5) Buddy read along with your.
6) Reward progress.
7) Travel with books where ever you go.
8) Read to your child.
9) Look for a variety of reading materials.
10) Create a cozy reading nook/ space for your child.

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