Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 22 - 26

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

On average more then 10 people die daily of suicide in Canada. 
Suicide is the 9th leading cause of death in Canada.
For every suicide death there are 5 self harm injuries / hospitalizations reported

This week I had the opportunity to take part in a 2 day workshop for suicide prevention.  There were 30 educators from across the Calgary Board of Education that took part. Just as Standard First Aid & CPR are meant to save lives, ASIST is a different kind of first aid but the goal is the same. 

Goals of the course:
- recognize the signs that someone is thinking about suicide or killing themselves
- understand the stigma  & cultural implications around mental health & suicide 
- understand how personal attitudes affect views of suicide & not allowing these to imply judgements
- identity the elements to creating a safety plan & the actions required to support a person's  immediate safety
- learn the importance of self-care & promoting life

Vulnerable Populations:
- teens
- LGBTQ community
- indigenous
- mid-life crisis
- divorcee
- homeless
- incarcerated
- widower
- addicts

Gems I took away:
- talking means HOPE
- anyone is capable of suicide - no age or race or demographic is not effective
- you do the best you can in the space you are in to support others
- ones perception is their reality
- you are NOT there to solve the problem, you are there to hear, listen & create a plan from them to be SAFE RIGHT NOW
- the language has changed: you now say "a person has completed suicide OR has suicided"

KIDS HELP PHONE: 1800-668-6868
Calgary Distress Centre: 403-266-1601

1 comment:

April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...