Friday, April 5, 2019

April 1 - 5

Things to let go of...
- worrying about the past
- the need to control everything
- grudges
- unhealthy relationships
- fear of the unknown
- clothes you haven't worn in a year
- comparing yourself to others
- your insecurities
- judgement
- fear of failure
- clutter in your home
- putting off important things
- overspending
- worrying what others think
- excuses
- social media
- gossip
- unrealistic expectations
- the word "should"
- self-doubt
- jealousy
- trying to make everyone happy
- anyone & anything that doesn't make you happy
- unhealthy habits
- over scheduling your life
- negative self-talk

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April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...