Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 18 - 22

Ranchlands in lucky enough to run a parenting program here at the school for the 4th year. The Community Parenting Education Program (CPEP) is hosted by Hull Services.  Hull offers behaviour and mental health services for children (ages 5 -17) and their families. Their programs are community, family or school based.
Their motto is:
 "We recognize and support the fundamental needs in life of the people we serve: 
to care and be cared for, 
a sense of belonging and autonomy 
in the pursuit of aspirations and dreams."

The program runs over the course of 8-10 weeks in the evening.  The parents look at a variety of skills such as communication, relationship building and problem solving while the children work on social skills. A social network and sense of community is built through out the duration of the course as well as learning about helpful services in the community. The program comes from McMaster University Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario and is offered throughout the province of Ontario as well as the USA, Denmark, Sweden and Guam.

Course will run Thursday nights: April 15 - June June 13.
More Information:   Hull Services   or Contact the School


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