Friday, March 15, 2019

March 11 - 15

Trauma Informed Practice 
(summary of a workshop I took)

As we travel through life it is a give in that we all will experience both good & hard times. The older you get the more equipped you become with managing stress, cultivating supportive relationships & not taking things personally.  However, if a child experiences a lot of adversity it can be hard for them to manage the stress that is created.  In addition if a child lacks a caring role model to engage in a send & receive of positive interactions, the stress can becomes even greater & become toxic. 

Resilience: the ability to recover readily from adversity (unfavorable fortune or circumstances)
Everyone has a different tolerance to stress as well as adversity. Pushed outside of your comfort zone, one can become highly elevated (screaming, hitting...) & require deregulation OR can become depressed (crying, sleeping all the time, disengaged...) & require up-regulation to return to their comfort zone. As a teacher or parent it is important to offer choice & voice to children when they become overwhelmed. Even if you are not sure if what you are doing is going to help, trying is all you can ask of yourself. Do they best that you can.

Hope & Efficacy

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