Friday, March 8, 2019

March 4 - 8

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

I had the opportunity to attend a professional development session by our complex needs strategist, Erin Laberee Lee, last Friday.  I thought I would share some of the information to better educate you as a parent, as it may be useful directly or indirectly.

Considerations for Classroom & Home Environments:
Keeping spaces organized decreases one's stress & potential for crisis.  Keeping routines structured & familiar increases one's ability to focus. Visual supports provide clarity and give concrete information for one to refer back to. Ensure expectations & consequences are explicitly taught. Make sure the child has been taught an appropriate way to communicate needs & wants.

Universal Factors to Help All:
- provide multiple ways to represent what they know
- provide multiple ways to engage the child / learner
- provide multiple ways for them to express themselves

Direct Instruction is Needed for:
- emotion regulation
- flexibility
- working memory
- cognitive tasks
- planning & organization
- sustaining attention
- respecting personal space
- ability to read & understand body language &  non-verbal cues
- understanding others' perspectives

Worth the watch:
What is inclusion?

Transforming Inclusion

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