Friday, March 1, 2019

Feb 25 - March 1

Tantrum: an outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child
Meltdown: a loss of control of one's temper

Young children lack the coping skills and experience to effectively manage their emotions all of the time. They often don't have the words to explain how they are feeling and can become frustrated by not being understood. When children to not get what they want when they want it, it can set them off in an instant.  Often times a  power struggle can ensue.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you...
- Unless your child is in danger of hurting themselves, try to not give your attention to their behaviour. Sometimes they just need to get their emotions out & need the space to do so.
- Children will try & match your voice level.  The louder you become the more engaged they become & the louder they get as well. Try instead to maintain a calm, soft voice.
- Offering them a choice can help them feel like they have regained some control. (ie. Do you want to sit on the couch or do you want to me to go to the kitchen?)
- Try shifting their attention. Getting your child interested in something else can often divert their thinking and help prevent the outburst from happening.
- Offer a big, firm hug.
- Stress, tiredness, hunger & overstimulation can make tantrums more likely. Being prepared & proactive can limit these situations.

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