Friday, February 8, 2019

Feb 4 - 8


By definition empathy is the ability to understand and share the feeling of another. It is how we an individuals understand what others are experiencing as if we were feeling it ourselves.

In order for empathy to grow, children must first be able to identify and understand emotions in themselves as well as others. The next step is kids must have a clear idea of expected and unexpected behaviours.  We here at Ranchlands have been using the Pillars of Care to teach appropriate ways of caring for self, caring for others and caring for this place. Celebrating students that demonstrate a Pillar of Care, by reading their kind act over the intercom for the whole school to hear helps build the overall feeling of belonging in the school.
Having the children explore how they would feel in another person's shoes helps them to get a new perspective on their own unexpected behaviour. Certain stories or movies  can also help build empathy when the student is asked to make connections with between themselves and the character.  For example how one would feel if being teased about their name like in the book Chrysanthemum.

Once a child can identify their emotions and understands expected school behaviour we can them look at how they are able to control their emotions appropriately or self-regulate. Movement breaks, fidget tools, access to a quiet corner, stretching or taking deep breaths are all strategies you might see in a classroom.

                         "We are all humans who share the same fears and concerns, 
                               and we deserve to be treated with dignity."~ M. Borba

10 Ways to Boost Empathy

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