Friday, February 15, 2019

Feb 11 - 15

Ways to Make Your Day  More Mindfulness


Breathing Exercise & Relaxation

1)   Meditate, if even just for a minute of two daily.
2)   Slow down.  Notice how your body or senses change during the day.
3)   Change is inevitable. Reality is what it is.
4)   Listen.... really listen when you are talking to others.
5)   At the end of the day think of at least one thing you are grateful for.
6)   Be kind to yourself. Often we are our worst critics.
7)   Pay attention to the small, sweet moments in the day that speak loudly.
8)   Acknowledge your thoughts, don't judge them.
9)   If stressed take 3 deep breaths, in through your nose & out through your mouth.
10) Spend some time in nature everyday.

"It's not the day that you have to manage, but the moment.
It's not the dragon you have to slay, but the fear.
It's not the path that you have to know, but the destination."
~~M. Dooley~~

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