Friday, January 25, 2019

Jan 21 - 25

Building Confidence

Confidence - a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something
Self-esteem - a person's overall sense of self-worth or personal value

The Story of Self-Esteem

Every time we achieve something, learn a new skill or become more proficient at a task we develop confidence. Celebrating these successes makes us feel more competent & increases the chance we will push ourselves to take more risks & try harder & harder things. Children are no different. Giving kids lots of opportunities to practice and encouraging them even when they make mistakes creates a growth mindset & an "I can do it" attitude. Being a role model for them, making your own mistakes & working through challenges will also help them to see how practice and perseverance pays off.

Here are some strategies to build a child's confidence:
- build on their interests & strengths
- encourage them to take on challenging things
- breaks tasks into manageable chunks & celebrate each success no matter how small to keep them motivated
- give frequent feedback
- help them set achievable goals
- model positive self-talk
- don't compare them to others
- teach them how to "fail forward"
- learn from their mistakes

Building a Growth Mindset

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