Friday, January 18, 2019

Jan 14 - 18

The Power of Words

What we say has the power to build someone else up or squash them down. As a teacher I have always thought, what is the one thing that I say that a student might remember for the rest of their lives?  Or I have taken it personally and thought, what am I doing wrong that is creating poor behaviour in my students? Maybe it is naïve to think my words will last that long, but if they do I want the words they replay in their minds to be affirmative, positive and empowering.  Sadly, I know personally it is way easier to repeat the unkind, unsupportive or mean things someone has said to me when I was a child then recall the nice words.

Adults and children alike make mistakes. Admitting to our errors or having someone point them out is part of life.  However, if we are always reminded or criticized for our mistakes and rarely get praise for what we do well or have been successful at, it can eat away at our self-confidence. Adults can get overwhelmed with the pressures and demands of daily life which in turn tests our patience and ability to stay calm when children make poor choices or behave badly. Rather than calling out the situation, it is less anxiety creating to redirect the child to make better decisions as well as celebrating their strengths rather than pointing out their deficiencies. This may take longer for the child to learn from their mistakes, but if the lesson is learned through fear or criticism it is less powerful then if it is because they intrinsically want to do the right thing or make the right choice.

Food for thought.

"Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don't mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime." -Rachel Wolchin

"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder." -Rumi

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