Friday, January 11, 2019

Jan 8 - 11

Getting Back into a Routine

We go through a busy holiday season and can get off track from usual routines, become disorganized, or feel things are a little chaotic. With the hustle & bustle of the holiday season behind us, it can take some time to reset ourselves into a regular routine.  Here are some strategies to help your child readjust back into a school schedule.

1) set a strict & appropriate bedtime to assure they are well rested for learning (younger kids might like to chart their nightly hours of sleep)

2) establish a nightly routine (ie. reading, prepping their back pack for the next school day, bath time, laying out clothes for the next day...)

3) turn off screen time an hour before bed

4) set a time to wake up that will allow you to get ready, have breakfast & get out the door on time

5) pre-prep breakfast the night before along with making packed school lunches

6) have daily chores posted & give them a time to complete them, having household or personal chores (ie, nightly reading) not only can help you but allows them the chance to feel responsible

7) model good behaviour yourself, ensuring you head to bed on time & have a morning routine to limit an anxious rush in the morning

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