Friday, May 24, 2019

May 21 - 24

Self-regulation: involves controlling one's behavior, emotions, & thoughts 
Emotional self-regulation: the ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses

When a child is unable to self regulate, learning is impacted.

Signs a child is struggling:
- trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
- being crabby in the morning
- easily upset
- explosive mood
- trouble maintaining attention / listening
- signs of frequent sadness, anxiety, fear, anger

Possible causes:
- not enough sleep
- did not have enough physical activity
- too much screen time
- poor nutrition (too much sugar or processed food)
- overstimulated (sounds, sights, lights, crowds)

Steps to help with regulation:
- know the signs that lead up to a blow out or melt down
- ID the stressors / environments that challenge the child
- overall reduce the stress placed on the child
- in a calm moment, chat with the child about their triggers & strategies that help
- practice calming methods or breathing exercises

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