Friday, May 17, 2019

May 13 - 17

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE): are highly stressful, and potentially traumatic, events or situations that occur during childhood and/or adolescence

I have been reading a lot of articles & been to a few professional development sessions on ACE. It has opened my eyes to not only how prevalent they are but the many implications they have on a child’s brain development, learning, overall health & social interaction.

ACE include:
-      Emotional abuse
-      Physical abuse
-      Sexual abuse
-      Neglect
-      Household substance abuse
-      Household mental illness
-      Separation / divorce
-      Death of a parent
-      Witnessing abuse / violence
-      Racism
-      Sexism
-      Homelessness
-      Natural disasters 
-      Incarcerated parent

ACE increase risk of:
-      Adolescent pregnancy
-      Alcohol abuse
-      Drug abuse
-      Depression
-      Heart & liver disease
-      Smoking
-      Suicide attempts
-      Earlier sexual experiences
-      STD’s
-      Teenage pregnancy
-      Partner violence
-      Incarceration
How ACE effect health:
-      Reduces the ability to learn 
-      Lowers tolerance to stress
-      Difficulty making & maintain friendships
       Struggle with understanding, reading & regulating feelings
       Increased rate of depression / anxiety
       Higher risk of self harm
-      Difficulty with memory
-      Physical health issues – heart rate, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity

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