Friday, December 7, 2018

Dec 3 - 7

Back to Class
As some of you may know.... I made a big professional change this year.  I moved from being a classroom teacher (grade 3/4) to a resource position, supporting teachers.  My new role has surprised me in many ways.  I have a lot people to meet outside of Ranchlands, emails to answer and very different kinds of paper work.  For me, the thing I have missed the most are the daily "aha" moments I got to experience with my students. the moment the understand something they have been struggling to figure out or are able to do something they had not been able to before.

This week I have had the pleasure of joining a few grade 1/2 classrooms and spending most of my day with them.  What a treat!!!! They are so excited about learning EVERYTHING and so willing to share all that they know & the connections they make to new topics. We were estimating and then measuring how many cotton balls it took to cover Santa's beard.  The children then represented the number using ten frames, pictures and tally marks.

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