Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history.
We are doing our best to build the boat while out at sea & there will be some hiccups.
We will get through this together

Please visit out Google Classroom on Monday for the week's assignments. 
Do your best on completing them & what works for you family.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 9 - 13

Check out this CBE website for frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus.

We are continuing to work on having control over the ball while dribbling & shooting at the basketball net in gym. We learnt the acronym BEEF to help us shoot (elbows in, eye the net, follow through).

We learnt a new math game. Ask me to teach you how to play 4 Square using cards.
In our writing time this week we looked at a picture prompt & tried to create stories to explain what was happening, who the characters where & where the story took place.

We watched Rainbow Fish written by author and illustrator, Marcus Pfister. It's a lovely story about how to be a good friend & sharing what you have with others. It inspired us to make our own fish to swim in the sea.

We are collecting materials for our BOATS & BOUANCY unit in science.
Please send in CLEAN:
- small plastic or styrofoam containers
- milk or yogurt drink boxes
- duct tape
- tinfoil

Friday, March 6, 2020

March 2 - 6

Grace & Avery asked to read a story to the class. They created a different voice for each character. It was very entertaining.
We created an information brochure about Winter in Calgary. We brainstormed about the things that we wear, activities we take part in & the foods we crave when the weather is cold. It was interesting too as we have a new student that moved here from Nigeria. Her answers to those questions about her home country were very different from ours.

In math we continue to practice our basic facts to 20. Solving all the questions reveals the special picture hidden until colored.
For art this week we used chalk pastels to create fireworks. The black paper mimicked the night sky. Previously we had created fireworks in a jar in science using different temperatures of water & food colouring.

In gym we have started leaning about basketball. We have been practicing our dribbling & shooting skills.

We are collecting materials for our BOATS & BOUANCY unit in science.
Please send in CLEAN:
- small plastic or styrofoam containers
- milk or yogurt drink boxes
- duct tape
- tinfoil

Friday, February 28, 2020

Feb 24 - 28

In word work we learnt about similes. They are a comparison between 2 things using like or as.

For art this week we did a paper craft, a giraffe.  It had many steps but we worked hard to follow along & our efforts paid off.

Mr. Ellie created really cool writing activity for our classes. The students had to create a character, give them one superpower & a back to fill with necessities to help them throughout their story. Then he challenged them to write a journey their character would go one. Once compete they got to choose 4 friends to join in their story as the unique characters they had created. The 5 characters then begin on their adventure. Overtime a problem or task occurs & the students have to roll the dice to determine the outcome for their character. It's almost like a choose your own adventure with an element of chance.

We toured the grade 5/6 science fair. What a lot of cool projects. Ask me which one was my favorite.

Wednesday, Feb 26 was PINK SHIRT DAY. The day was started in 2007 to combating bullying and celebrate a community of belonging.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Feb 18 - 21

In Science we tried to create incubators to keep our ice cubes from melting. We learnt about insulation: a material used to stop heat from going into or out of something.

I can describe the role of insulation in keeping things hot or cold, and identify places where some form of insulation is used; e.g., clothing, refrigerator, coolers, homes.

In Social we started learning about our next community in Canada, Meteghan, Nova Scotia & the Maritime or Acadian region. We brainstormed what we already know about this area & what we could like to learn.

In word work we looked at past, present and future tense & how that impacts our writing.
Ask me to fix the following sentences:
He will won the race.
She lose her basketball game.
They dids their homework.
He doing his chores.
I swimming yesterday.

THANK YOU to all that came out & joined us for Literacy Night!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Feb 10 - 13

In gym we started a new unit, DANCE. Ask me to show you how to do the grapevine, the macarana the cha cha or the chicken dance.

Though we can't control the weather outside, we can do things to alter the temperature inside. Ask me what we can do to warm the house up or cool it off.
I can identify ways in which the temperature in homes and building can be adjusted; e.g., by turning a thermostat up or down, by opening or closing windows, by using a space heater in a cold room.
I can describe, in general terms, how local building are heated:
*identify the energy source or fuel
*recognize that most buildings are heated by circulating hot air or cold water
*describe how heat is circulated through my own home

In math we have been working on our subtraction skills, both basic single digits & with regrouping.

We had a presentation from the Heart & Stroke Foundation about the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser.  We learnt the signs of a stroke: FAST.
F - for face drooping on one side.
A - arms not being able to be lifted on one side
S - speech is slurred
T - time to call 911
Forms went home if you & your child would like to fundraise.
Literacy Night Feb 20 - 6-7pm
HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY! 💞  Enjoy the long weekend.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Feb 3 - 7

We experimented to see if food coloring would disperse faster in cold or hot water. What do you think we discovered?

I can see that the molecules in hot water move faster then in cold water.

In social we looked at traditional foods that were eaten in Nunavut by the Inuit. We then compared the modern cost of food in Iqaluit & Calgary. Some products are 50% more expensive there then here!! Why do you think that is the case?

I can compare & contrast the items or resources available in my town community with those that are available in Iqaluit, Nunavut.

We challenged our ways of thinking, following a visual plan & building items using K'Nex pieces.
Check out what we made.

I can use contextual cues to problem solve or understand instructions.
I can follow step by step instructions.
I can work with a partner towards a common goal.

In word work we learnt that homonyms are words that sound the same but mean different things. We brainstormed as many as we could think of.

A Blackfoot elder, Randy Bottle came to join us for our weekly circle talk. We learnt a lot more about how his ancestors survived and used all parts of the buffalo, He also explained the importance of a circle and how many things are divided into 4 parts (seasons, the medicine wheel, life span...)

April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...