Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Feb 10 - 13

In gym we started a new unit, DANCE. Ask me to show you how to do the grapevine, the macarana the cha cha or the chicken dance.

Though we can't control the weather outside, we can do things to alter the temperature inside. Ask me what we can do to warm the house up or cool it off.
I can identify ways in which the temperature in homes and building can be adjusted; e.g., by turning a thermostat up or down, by opening or closing windows, by using a space heater in a cold room.
I can describe, in general terms, how local building are heated:
*identify the energy source or fuel
*recognize that most buildings are heated by circulating hot air or cold water
*describe how heat is circulated through my own home

In math we have been working on our subtraction skills, both basic single digits & with regrouping.

We had a presentation from the Heart & Stroke Foundation about the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser.  We learnt the signs of a stroke: FAST.
F - for face drooping on one side.
A - arms not being able to be lifted on one side
S - speech is slurred
T - time to call 911
Forms went home if you & your child would like to fundraise.
Literacy Night Feb 20 - 6-7pm
HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY! 💞  Enjoy the long weekend.

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April 3

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