Friday, February 28, 2020

Feb 24 - 28

In word work we learnt about similes. They are a comparison between 2 things using like or as.

For art this week we did a paper craft, a giraffe.  It had many steps but we worked hard to follow along & our efforts paid off.

Mr. Ellie created really cool writing activity for our classes. The students had to create a character, give them one superpower & a back to fill with necessities to help them throughout their story. Then he challenged them to write a journey their character would go one. Once compete they got to choose 4 friends to join in their story as the unique characters they had created. The 5 characters then begin on their adventure. Overtime a problem or task occurs & the students have to roll the dice to determine the outcome for their character. It's almost like a choose your own adventure with an element of chance.

We toured the grade 5/6 science fair. What a lot of cool projects. Ask me which one was my favorite.

Wednesday, Feb 26 was PINK SHIRT DAY. The day was started in 2007 to combating bullying and celebrate a community of belonging.

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