Friday, November 8, 2019

Nov 4 - 8

This week we had our Remembrance Day assembly. In preparation each class made a wreath to lay during the ceremony. In class we talked about how important it is to show our thanks for the courage and sacrifice that many men & women demonstrated, that allows us to live in a safe & peaceful place.

In gym we have been trying our hand at bowling.

In Science we did an experiment to see what happens when we boil water & what happens when we put a cold spoon over the steam. Ask me what evaporate & condense means.

I can recognize that water can boil, changing from a liquid to a gas.
I can recognize that steam (gas) can cool down & turn back into a liquid.
I can recognize that I can freeze water (liquid) to become ice (solid).
I can recognize that ice (solid) can melt & become a liquid.
I can identify real life examples in which water is changed from one form to another.

In literacy we learnt about alphabetical order & how that helps us to look up words in the dictionary.

In art we did some perspective drawing & drew what the top of a pumpkin would look like if we were looking down at it.

We practiced a lot in preparation for Math Night. Thanks to all that were able to join us.

Check out the following website to give you a better understanding of report cards & assessment.

Upcoming dates:
Thursday November 21st-  Student Led Conferences 
Start Time: 4:30 PM – End Time: 8:00 PM
November 22nd Non-Instruction Day & Student-led Conference
Start Time: 8:00 AM – End Time: 1:00 PM

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