Friday, November 29, 2019

Nov 25 - 29

In math we looked at fact families.We noticed how the 3 numbers can take alternate positions in an equation to make it true. (i.e. 1+2 =3,  2+1 =3, 3 - 2 =1, 3 - 1 =2)
In science we did an experiment to determine what material would be the best to make an umbrella out of. Me made predications & then tested them to get our results. We also discussed even if the material is waterproof what would be the BEST to make an umbrella out of. Ask me what absorbent means.

I can compare the amount of water that will be absorbed by different materials.
I can identify if a material is likely waterproof or not.
I can tell you what materials would be goo at carrying water in.

We looked at some paintings of Ted Harrison.  He is a well known British-Canadian artist that highlights the beauty of Northern landscapes. This connects to us studying Iqaluit, Nunavut in social.
"Life is a rainbow road, multicoloured with the most brilliant hues and contrasting with the darkest tones. It is illuminated by the light of success, and rutted by the tracks of failure. Tears of sadness and joy wash its surface while the clouds of doubt and insecurity dapple its course. As we traverse this highway we can reach the highest pinnacles or descend to the darkest valleys."
- T. Harrison

I can identify & compare the geographic region of Iqaluit including landforms and bodies of water in relation to Alberta.
I can think about how the cultural characteristics of the Inuit people contribute to Canada’s identity.

This week we managed to get to spend some time in our learning commons' maker space. 
"It is a place where young people have an opportunity to explore their own interests; learn to use tools and materials, both physical and virtual; and develop creative projects."
-L. Flemming

On a side note:
Last year I worked as the resource teacher & although I blogged weekly many of my posts were not viewed all that much because I was not attached to a classroom. In light of an event that happened at my brother-in-law's school this past week I would like to reshare one of my posts from April 2019.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

On average more then 10 people die daily of suicide in Canada. 

Suicide is the 9th leading cause of death in Canada.
For every suicide death there are 5 self harm injuries / hospitalizations reported

This week I had the opportunity to take part in a 2 day workshop for suicide prevention.  There were 30 educators from across the Calgary Board of Education that took part. Just as Standard First Aid & CPR are meant to save lives, ASIST is a different kind of first aid but the goal is the same. 

Goals of the course:

- recognize the signs that someone is thinking about suicide or killing themselves
- understand the stigma  & cultural implications around mental health & suicide 
- understand how personal attitudes affect views of suicide & not allowing these to imply judgements
- identity the elements to creating a safety plan & the actions required to support a person's  immediate safety
- learn the importance of self-care & promoting life

Vulnerable Populations:
- teens
- LGBTQ community
- indigenous
- mid-life crisis
- divorcee
- homeless
- incarcerated
- widower
- addicts

Gems I took away:
- talking means HOPE
- anyone is capable of suicide - no age or race or demographic is not effective
- you do the best you can in the space you are in to support others
- ones perception is their reality
- you are NOT there to solve the problem, you are there to hear, listen & create a plan from them to be SAFE RIGHT NOW
- the language has changed: you now say "a person has completed suicide OR has suicided"

KIDS HELP PHONE: 1800-668-6868

Calgary Distress Centre: 403-266-1601

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nov 18 - 22

This week we celebrated Drop Everything & Read. Every morning for 20 minutes we dropped our work & we all read for 20 minutes!
In word work we practiced making items plural. Some words you can add "s" or "es" & some words are irregular & they change completely.
In science we did an experiment to see what substances would or would not dissolve in water. We first made predications & then tested the items.

In social we are studying the community of Iqaluit, Nunavut. This time of year we get about 2 more hours of sunlight a day then they do. We have been comparing our daily temperature as well. We started by looking at their traditional clothing. Coats were called ANORAKS or PARKAS & made from caribou & seal skins. They were sewed together with sinew & bone needles.  Boots were called KAMIKS & made from sealskin, making them waterproof.
I can identifying the main differences in climate between Iqaluit & Calgary.

We read The Dot by P. Reynolds & created masterpieces of our own. Everything starts with a dot.

Choice in Education Survey for public education
you can do the online survey or a written submission

Fun lunch - Nov 27
Teacher's Pet - Dec 5 - $16 (in school field trip)

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nov 12 - 15

In science we have been experimenting with water, oil & food coloring to see how they react or interact with each other. We observed if the different liquids would mix or not. We then placed a piece of celery in the coloured water to see if the celery would absorb the dye or not.
I can see that water & food coloring will mix together & stay mixed.
I can see that water & oil will separate after they have been mixed together.
I can see that oil beads in water.
I can recognize that water is a component of many materials and living things.

Our word work this week has been focused around word families & rhyming. We can use this understanding to help us spell more words correctly.

In math we learnt about the greater than & less than signs to compare numbers. For a challenge we could add the 2 dice together before we compared them.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nov 4 - 8

This week we had our Remembrance Day assembly. In preparation each class made a wreath to lay during the ceremony. In class we talked about how important it is to show our thanks for the courage and sacrifice that many men & women demonstrated, that allows us to live in a safe & peaceful place.

In gym we have been trying our hand at bowling.

In Science we did an experiment to see what happens when we boil water & what happens when we put a cold spoon over the steam. Ask me what evaporate & condense means.

I can recognize that water can boil, changing from a liquid to a gas.
I can recognize that steam (gas) can cool down & turn back into a liquid.
I can recognize that I can freeze water (liquid) to become ice (solid).
I can recognize that ice (solid) can melt & become a liquid.
I can identify real life examples in which water is changed from one form to another.

In literacy we learnt about alphabetical order & how that helps us to look up words in the dictionary.

In art we did some perspective drawing & drew what the top of a pumpkin would look like if we were looking down at it.

We practiced a lot in preparation for Math Night. Thanks to all that were able to join us.

Check out the following website to give you a better understanding of report cards & assessment.

Upcoming dates:
Thursday November 21st-  Student Led Conferences 
Start Time: 4:30 PM – End Time: 8:00 PM
November 22nd Non-Instruction Day & Student-led Conference
Start Time: 8:00 AM – End Time: 1:00 PM

April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...