Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sept 16-20

Thank you to all of you that have returned your information packages (demographic/ technology/ health forms...). It was lovely to meet so many of you at teacher conference this week as well.
If you haven't heard SNACK IS BACK.  We will once again allow for a healthy, spoon-less snack in the morning.

In literacy we are focusing on the beauty of story telling.  We are lucky enough to have Jeff Stockton to help guide us in this process.  Stories all start with an idea. In our session with Jeff this week we learned that the ideas we have, big or small, come to life through sharing them with others. Human beings are unique in their ability to create and share stories together.  On October 3 your family will work together to create a story "treasure" of your own.

As a class we read the book "Courage" by Bernard Weber. We brainstormed ways in which we show courage & then wrote our own personal booklets.  Click on the link to read it.
Courage story

In science we are starting the year learning about magnets.  Many of the kids did this grade 2 topic last year in grade 1 so we have a wealth of prior knowledge built up already.

In social studies we are learning about reading & labelling map as well as cardinal directions.
Ask me what a compass rose is.

TERRY FOX run will be on Thursday, Sept 26 @ 2pm. Come join us.

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