Friday, November 2, 2018

Oct 29 - Nov 2

The Importance of Sleep

Children have busy days. School, after school activities, homework, household chores, mobile devices and family activities quickly eat up the hours in a day.  At the end of the evening, they need a break. A good night's sleep allows them to recharge their bodies as well as their minds and be ready for the next day. Sleep in like gas in a car: full in the morning and empty at night
Most children need between 9-11 hours of sleep a night, though some require even more. Without enough rest kids become lethargic, cranky, impatient, have difficulty focusing or maintaining attention and may not even be able to think clearly. Too little sleep can effect growth and the immune system as well.
Lack of sleep. Can it make you sick?

Strategies to catch more ZZZ's:
- establish a daily bed time and a routine
- limit screen time an hr before bed
- have a winding down period before bed
- avoid caffeine or heavy foods before bed
- use the bedroom for sleeping (not for homework or playing games or using the Ipad)
- watching TV close to bedtime has been linked to having difficulty falling asleep, anxiety about sleep and sleeping fewer hours

The following article explains the importance of healthy sleep for children.
A Good Night Sleep

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