Thursday, November 22, 2018

Nov 19 - 23

Student Led Conferences

It's that time of year for parents to get a first hand chance to see their child's classroom and to get a glimpse of what daily learning looks like. When I was a child my parents went to the school without me to have a grown up conversation with my teacher about my learning and social skills.  My  mom always though that 15 minutes was way too short to figure out what was happening in my classroom. I was always so nervous waiting for them to get home to hear what was spoken about.

Student led conferences is a nice change from the way things used to be done. the idea is to put the student in charge of the conference. It allows the the children to speak about their own learning and be the expert for mom and dad. If parents have been reading the teacher's weekly blog this is a great chance to ask specific question to their child in regards to the work they are sharing or games they are playing.  Having the chance to discuss with their child what they are most proud of and what are some new goals they have. Children feel empowered as they take responsibility fort heir own learning.

Teachers are lucky enough to get to see another side or their student as well as the parent child interaction during student led conferences. It can shed light on how the family communicates and works together to learn new things or solve problems.

Student Led a Success

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