Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 9 - 13

Check out this CBE website for frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus.

We are continuing to work on having control over the ball while dribbling & shooting at the basketball net in gym. We learnt the acronym BEEF to help us shoot (elbows in, eye the net, follow through).

We learnt a new math game. Ask me to teach you how to play 4 Square using cards.
In our writing time this week we looked at a picture prompt & tried to create stories to explain what was happening, who the characters where & where the story took place.

We watched Rainbow Fish written by author and illustrator, Marcus Pfister. It's a lovely story about how to be a good friend & sharing what you have with others. It inspired us to make our own fish to swim in the sea.

We are collecting materials for our BOATS & BOUANCY unit in science.
Please send in CLEAN:
- small plastic or styrofoam containers
- milk or yogurt drink boxes
- duct tape
- tinfoil

Friday, March 6, 2020

March 2 - 6

Grace & Avery asked to read a story to the class. They created a different voice for each character. It was very entertaining.
We created an information brochure about Winter in Calgary. We brainstormed about the things that we wear, activities we take part in & the foods we crave when the weather is cold. It was interesting too as we have a new student that moved here from Nigeria. Her answers to those questions about her home country were very different from ours.

In math we continue to practice our basic facts to 20. Solving all the questions reveals the special picture hidden until colored.
For art this week we used chalk pastels to create fireworks. The black paper mimicked the night sky. Previously we had created fireworks in a jar in science using different temperatures of water & food colouring.

In gym we have started leaning about basketball. We have been practicing our dribbling & shooting skills.

We are collecting materials for our BOATS & BOUANCY unit in science.
Please send in CLEAN:
- small plastic or styrofoam containers
- milk or yogurt drink boxes
- duct tape
- tinfoil

April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...