Friday, January 31, 2020

Jan 27 - 31

In gym we have been exploring rolling and balancing in gymnastics.

In science we looked at the 4 seasons and how he temperature effects how it looks outside & the protective clothes that we need to wear to match the weather.
I can describe ways in which temperature changes affect us in our daily lives.

We spent some time exploring & creating in our Maker Space.

How many words can you make with the following letters:  S   T   A    E
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Friday, January 24, 2020

Jan 20 - 24

In science we learnt that the average body temperature is 37'C.  When we are cold are body shivers to try to warm us up. When we sweat, it is our body's reaction to try & cool us down. When we are sick we get a fever.

I can recognize that the human body temperature is relatively constant and that a change in body temperature often signals a change in health.

We learnt about the Northern Lights. Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis - the result of collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth's atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere. We also watched The Legend of the Northern Lights.

How many words can you make ut of the following letters:   T    N    O    I
We were invited to St. Rita's school to watch a concert by Ryan Laird. His message was to rise above adversity, support one another and to "Be Bigger Than That".

Friday, January 17, 2020

Jan 13 - 17

We wrote about a holiday we had taken or are going to take to mentally escape the cold weather!

We had a word work challenge.  How many words can you make with the following letters?
H   T   N   E
We are continuing to learn about Iqaluit in social. In Iqaluit they speak both English & Inuktituk.
Atelihai (ahh-tee0lee0hi) is hello in Inuktituk.
We've been practicing perspective drawing & making things look as realistic as possible.
With a full week of indoor recess, we had to get creative to keep ourselves busy!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Jan 6 - 10

Welcome back. Hopefully you all ahas a relaxing and fun filled holiday. It has been lovely to hear all of the stores and adventures that the class had over the break. We practiced our procedural writing and outlined some of the highlights of our winter break to share with each other.
We are starting new unit in Science, HOT & COLD. We brainstormed what we already new about these concepts & what we would like to learn. What is the hottest thing in the world? What is the coldest place? Why do some places use 'C & some use 'F? How does someone get frostbite?

I can describe temperature by saying "hotter than" and "colder than".
I can describe how temperature changes materials - like melting & freezing.

In gym we started a new unit - Floor Hockey! We are learning stick skills & how to pass.

As we come into January, at the end of this month will mark a half way point for the year and report cards will ge home.Check out the following resource for parents to give you an overview of all that we are learning in grade 2.

Next week is supposed to be COLD, COLD, COLD,  Despite having indoor recess please make sure your child comes to school dressed for the weather.

April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...