Friday, September 28, 2018

Sept 24-28

Welcome to the 2018/ 2019 school year.  I am excited to be in a new role here at Ranchlands. I have moved out of the classroom and into a resource teacher role, supporting fellow teachers, education assistants and all students.  I have been in  classrooms, meeting new students and saying hello to old faces. I have also enjoyed getting to know many parents this year at interviews, outside at recess and at school events, such as the Terry Fox run.
Next week many specialists will be joining our teachers after school to support them in writing new goals for individualized program plans.  We are lucky to have such community and school board support. My office is located next to Mr. Todos in the main office. Please feel free to stop by to say hi or to ask any questions.

April 3

Thank you for being so patient & supportive as we navigate this very unique time in history. We are doing our best to build the boat wh...